Friday 17 March 2017

Our last day was packed full of exciting activities with lots of us facing our fears.  Two groups went down into the caves and succeeded in many of the challenges including 'the corkscrew', 'the letterbox' and 'the toilet'.  We squeezed our way through some really tight spaces and crawled through mud and cold water.  The third group went canoeing and realised that this is the most challenging activity of them all as communication is the key to success!

After a fantastic meal of macaroni cheese, with 21 children having seconds, we packed and are now ready for the morning and to come home.

Thursday 16 March 2017

A beautiful day on the mountain.

Stream Jumping

Today the sun shone, and so we decided to take advantage of this and go mountain walking. We consolidated our science learning regarding how the Brecons were formed, and found examples of the freeze thaw process.

Lunch was stream side and we learn't about the medicinal properties of sphagnum moss.

Caving and canoeing on Thursday.  Looks like it'll be fun.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Another good day up in the mountains.  We split into three groups with one going off into the mountains, one canoeing and one caving.  The weather has been claggy and drizzly but it didn't stop us from completing our activities.

Chicken curry, jelly and ice cream tonight - with nearly everyone having seconds!  We have written our diaries and are now writing poetry with Mr Wildman.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

A fabulous start at Big Pit.
Everyone happy.
All eaten dinner.
About to go out on the night walk.
Lots of happy faces.